Well, I figured it was about time to update the blog. Seeing as I graduate in 3 days (!!!!!!!) I have been a busy little beaver. School is not winding down, in fact it is winding up, and the stress is a'buildin. I have been running around like a maniac getting caught up with all of my classes and getting things ready for the other teacher to take things back over on Monday. This is complicated, people.
2nd grade- Making initial mosaics
1st grade- Thumbprint Books
On another note, paul is having a get together tomorrow night in Erie so i decided to mix up a batch of cupcakes. Cannoli cupcakes to be exact. I searched the internet and found no recipe for cannoli cream filled cupcakes, so I made one up. We will see how they do tomorrow. It is yellow cake with cannoli cream filling, ghirardelli ganache and canolli cream on top. Here are some hunger inducing photos- because trust me- that cream is RIGHT ON!!!

Sweet dreams :D