So as I mentioned in the prior post, I have started student teaching. I am teaching grades 7, 8, Art 1, Art 2, Art technology and Art seminar. This will happen gradually as I take on one grade/ level per week, until by the end of my 8 weeks, I will be the full-on teacher! eeek!! So tomorrow I start teaching 7th grade...this means my work load has blown up in my face. I have to write unit plans, lesson plans, daily logs, daily reflections, special needs forms, weekly evaluations, make powerpoints, handouts, make examples of their projects and do the student teaching handbook requirements (i dont know what they are yet...I havent read that thing yet, oops...). So this means SOOOO much teaching (8hrs at school)...and NO PAY. gr. Oh well, It is a good experience, it is just a crazy one too.
Oh and I got my hair cut--- Go Pauls mommy (shes my mommy too now...)!!

Paul took this while I was getting ready on my first day of class.


Woo- wee!

Side shot!
See ya :)
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