Paul and I decided to go to the Pittsburgh zoo this lovely august day. There was a baby elephant born a few weeks ago, her name is Angelina, and also a walk through kangaroo exhibit. So this was exciting. Oh and we were stuck in traffic for like an hour, then I put my car in neutral to save gas and i had to switch it back to 'drive' to move from a stop...andthenIputitinreverse...Oooooops. Luckily I slammed it back to drive before backing up into the car inches behind me. ugh. freaked me out.
So anyways--ZOO PICTURES :D

2 tigers..playing. They moved so gracefully- just like wittle leeloo

Me talking about how rhino's are dinosaurs (can you spot the dino?)

Oh no! a beebee!!!!!!!!

"Wooky mom! I splashin'!" states Angelina.

More playing
Crazy huge freaking silver back. He got mad at one of his homies, and grabbed its arm and threw it to the side. He was a mean master.
Kangaroo. I was literally a foot from this marsupial. and i liked it.
On the disorienting escalators.
In a secret garden (after Jamie's surprise party)
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