Charles E. Krah came out to visit this week so that we could attend the
Stella show on Tuesday... so I dress up in my finest, wearing a brand new pair of 4" heels...We took the metro to Chinatown* and ended up walking about 6-100 blocks to the synagogue** that the show was at. Well, while we were walking up to the place late (since I twisted my ankle on those darn brick roads about 20 times) we ran into Michael Showalter smoking before they went on. crazy! So the show was hilarious and we got to meet all 3 of the guys and Eugene
Mirman. awesomeeee. Here are some pics from the night:
*First rule of riding the metro: make sure you know which exit to take at your station because the underground metro stations are so freaking HUGE that if you leave the station at the wrong exit you are like...a good mile to 3 miles from where you wanted to exit...HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN!?
**Weird venue, right?
The Setting:
A lone metro with Paul, Chuck, me, random guy, bizzare looking lady with a FBI hat on and a bunch of luggage
The Story:
-3 friends enter the metro, ride one station until crazy lady gets on...lady starts singing as loud as possible, "Raging WAAAAR!!, Waging WAR!"
-Random guy looks at 3 friends and shares a brief moment of concern and fear
The Climax:
Woman sings for the remainder of the 6 stops...friends laugh uncontrollably and start to tap, clap and sing along with her (secretly)
The end.

On the inside

Michael Ian Black (guy on the right) was reminising or something at this point and the other 2 were "frozen," well, Showalter (left) picked a really hard pose to hold and Black was messing with him here.

Ah-ha moment...
title of this post
I gave him a high five tooooo!

Downstairs at the Q + A

Eugene Mirman...he has got some strange coloring...


Like I said...not a good idea.

MAC baby!! Pigments...I am so excited to mess around with these!
(These were a early Christmas present because Paul couldnt wait to give them to me! haha)