Sunday, July 19, 2009


It has been awhile...I mean...awhiiiiiiile. Paul and I have been crazy busy.
Doing the following:
-Moving us and allllll of our stuff back to Pittsburgh from DC
-looking for houses (many, many houses)
-finding the house of our dreams (only to find out that the loan won't go through- we are working on that)
-heading down to Savannah, GA for a week
-having 3 job interviews (me) + Paul having 2 interviews as well (we will update on those when we get some info back) ALL IN ONE WEEK'S TIME.
-Sanding and refinishing a huuuuge bed/wardrobe/dresser. Wowza...
-Hanging with friends + family
-Photographing a friends wedding
-Going to a cousins wedding
-Working on the cupcake business (and getting orders- YAY!!)
-Collapsing (not literally...but ya know...figuratively)
-Stressing out
-Crying (literally)
-Feeling better
-Looking forward to what awaits in the near future
-Maybe stressing some more.

And that's what's been going on :D haha. Seriously though, all that has happened in 3 weeks...and I am feeling the effects of all of it physically. I am drained. BUT! I start my job at IKEA this Thursday (gotta get some summer money baby's!) and I find out about my other interviews (2 for the same place) next week. Woot!

In Savannah

Libby surfing

The backyard at the 'Dream house'

Molly and Moose

Alexis and Brad's Wedding

Jason and me with candy at the reception.
They had a candy bar :) :) :)
Pretty cake

They also had a photo booth!

Flowers in shells.

Hangin with friends.

Hi Paul! (he was there too)

Typical us.

Necklace I made.
My sister had bought one similar to this awhile ago...and I liked I made my version- Purple of course!

In action.

Oh. and next Tuesday is the 28th.

...our 2 year wedding anniversary. Go us!
It feels good to be back!
(Hopefully I will keep up this month. Sorry folks!)

1 comment:

Akirah said...

I'm sorry about the loan. I know that's a bummer. But it looks like you're adjusting to Pittsburgh nicely. Good luck on your interviews...I hope somethings comes thru for you both soon!