Friday, September 5, 2008

New job things.

Well I am now 4 days into my first ever, real-life, high school, art, omg, teaching job. Things started rocky...lets just say my first day I had to remove a student into the hallway to discuss the way r-e-s-p-e-c-t works around these parts. I'm also going to note there were some tears that happened when I got home. But now that I have begun some lessons, the students are doing much better and I feel much better prepared. Here are some pics of me getting ready for my first day.

Gotta' catch up on my reader before I go!

Like a deer in the headlights...

Like the new cowl-neck? Birthday present from Banana Republic.

...mommy, I know you're lovin' the color...

Oh, If I only knew what was going to unfold in the next 7 hours...

So, yes, things have much improved and I am starting to really get a'hang of this thang.

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