Well, we were about 15 miles away from home when Paul'a car made a weird gritty noise. Then it jolted really bad. Then is stopped driving........we were on the highway going around 65 when this happened. So we pulled over, found out we dont have roadside assistance, waited an hour and a half and got towed back to Waldorf for $125. Sucks. Well, it seems we are going to be car shopping this week for a new car- even though we still have a loan on Pauls car. I dont like these things.
Anyways, we decided we needed a happy ending to the day, so I made some honeycomb candy ice cream with my new ice cream maker! AH! Exciting. Well...now time to watch some more Extreme Home Makeover- the car situation seems less horrible when you watch a show about a family, where the dad was shot in the neck in Iraq.
So excited for the day
I had no idea...
A hour later, a smile was not to be seen.
No smiles.
Yay! The tow truck came...time to warm up in the truck!
Oh, and we were starving since we haden't eaten yet when we left for Alexandria! (We finally had our first meal at 4:30 pm)
1 comment:
HEY! Those are MY sunglasses. They better not be scratched when I get them back. :P I miss them... sniff*
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