So...I woke up this sunny morn, put on my new dress, and then headed to the park and then the to my local grocery store. I got some new cleaner at the store since I have been trying to get this place in ship-shape for the move next month. I decided to get a nice, all-in-one cleaner so that I can clean up the kitchen, bathroom, etc with one bottle. So, Paul and I picked out this bottle of Lysol 4-in-1 cleaner...Here is what followed...
My new dress (that I was wearing) looked sort-of like this...
but then...
I was cleaning...
got a drip of the cleaner on my brand new dress...
ignored the fact that some cleaner got on my brand new dress...
did I mention, this was my brand new dress?
Looked down a few minutes later...
noticed like, 5 large hot pink spots on my purple dress...
hung up the dress and sprayed it some more to try and make it look like I did it on purpose...
Dress now
What makes this day even more interesting (and chemically filled) is that I am also highlighting my hair and painting my nails. So, yeah, my apartment smells like a indoor high school pool, with the swim team painting their nails...weird right?
I am gonna go rinse my hair now.