Friday, May 1, 2009

3 Things.

#1. Leeloo turned 2 yesterday. Happy birthday beautiful beebee!

Only 2 months here.

Now a days.

Oooooo. I will scratch your chin your ugly-cute-ugly thing! *gritting teeth*


#2. I started another crystal faceplate...but my order got messed up so the company is sending my last crystals here so I can finish it next week...bummer.

A plan has begun.

MUCH better set up this time...Instead of sitting on the floor and doing it on the coffee table, I used the real table. (why....why did I do that last time...) Also, I flipped all of the crystals to make faster transfer into the glue that sets up really quick.

Cupcake...the backround fades from a white crystal out to an iridesent crystal. And the 'cherry' is a pink opal.

better shot of the colors on my finished cover


#3. I QUIT MY JOB! AND WE ARE MOVING BACK TO PITTSBURGH IN JULY! (all caps- yea baby!...and bold non-the-less, Im going all out for this news.)

Goodbye storageclosetforanoffice!

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