Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More News on the Horizon

A good friend and I are the works of starting a cupcake business! It is finally happening! We are super excited and sure that it is going to be a huge success! We have started working on brand imaging, menu, the confusingbutnecessary business end, and all that goes along with that. It is going to be a website/ catering bakery at first and hopefully, one day, we can open a real live bakery! I will be posting the website when it is up and running (I am hoping for late June/July) and in the meantime, if you need cupcakes for a party- you know who to call!

Here are a glimpse of flavors that will be there. These are some paintings I did last night. Yay!!!!


Mom said...

OMG, those pics look sooo nice! Can't wait to see them in person. Love you, Mom

Kristen Good said...

Oh, those look fabulous!! And I'm so excited for you. It's amazing to be able to do what you love. And you are obviously so great at it! :) Congrats!!

Jen Lula said...

these little cards are so sweet! I love them!!

Akirah said...

Hey...are you still doing this? Boyfriend and I are researching cheaper alternatives for our wedding (not exactly positive when it's gonna happen) and we had discussed cupcakes. Yours seem kinda perfect. Let me know!