Sunday, October 7, 2007

So its been awhile...

Well Paul and I have been a bit busy lately, with school work and such. But we have taken pics to document our existence (now that we have the lovely Nikon D40). Here we go...

We had sorbet.
Ciao Bella's Blackberry Cabernet Sorbet. It made our belly's warm...

I dyed my hair.
I just felt so bad about lightening it. I felt like I was killing it.

I baked.
Paul's favorite thing I ever, ever make. Chocolate chips scones. Mmm.

I hurt myself.
Walking into the UC, I opened the door, the corner of the door ripped my toe, through the toenail and exited the side. It bled. A lot. And then I almost fainted.

The kitty's played.
Like they always do :)

Hopefully it will not be so long next time.


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