Paul got his first tattoo today! one of the most painful spots...on his elbow bone and inner/ upper arm. His concept for the tattoo was the look of an old gun, namely the filigree etching. He sat through it like a champ, all of the tattoo-ers were shocked by his might. Since he did so well, it took half the time they had expected and we got a bunch of money back. woot! Well, enough talk, lets see it!
Nervous...Last time with his naked arm.
AAAAAND, its in. There were a lot of grimaces that went down in that hour and a half...
Getting it done.
All shiny with A+D ointment
Well, now Paul needs to go back to get his outline filled in and shaded. It will be about another 3 hours or so to finish it...But it is well on its way! Go Lean!
Thats a pretty sweet tat there paul. Its gonna be so awesome colored in.
Very nice. Looks like she did an awesome job on the outline. Can't wait to see in shaded. You've been marked like the rest of us now! Now for Kaylee!
Talk to you soon, Mom
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