Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I was found today.
And I loved it. I thought of it all day long.
Then, about 20 minutes ago, I logged onto Facebook. Only to see that name again. "Become a fan of Bon Iver" So I did.
Ironic. But lovely.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Busy Weekend.
In other school news, the kids are finishing up their self portraits and have done pretty darn good. I have had some amazing portraits come out of this project and I am like a proud mama. (I have also had some that baffle me...not in a good way...but ya know...) I think that the kids have come pretty far, since at the beginning of the year they could not use a ruler (SERIOUSLY!) and now, they are griding pictures, critiquing art work, know some art history and have the elements of design down. Yeah baby! I also have one of my large value images, that the kids worked on, being hung in the library. Woot. Oh! and my one class is going to be a judge for a video contest at the University of MD, the other judge is one of the big wig news reporters out here. sweet. (My one students mom works at UMD so she emailed me and asked if we would participate.)
Some beginning stages.
She is amazing. Beautiful work.
Hey!! She must have a pretty freaking awesome art teacher........
My sister also sent me her 50 mm lens since she got a new one. Her new one is super fancy and it makes the pictures crazy and warped- pretty cool- so she had no use for keeping this old one. I told her I suppose I could take it off her hands *grin* and she sent it my way *larger grin*...so I sent her some cookies and a bookmark that I made with my Martha paper cutter as payment for her lovely lens. I got it in the mail after work today and have been experimenting with it already. Here are some of my pics I got tonight:
Our paper lantern cluster
Sweetest little monkey you have ever met.
I'll testify to that.
And. A ring shot. I mean, why not?? My fingers look somewhat emaciated in this pic...if that is even possible.
Whew! What a packed post. I think I am fairly caught up now. See ya soon!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A sigh of relief.
PURPLE! eye makeup...I realise this is strange. However, I am teaching self portraits in school and I have been staring at pictures of (180) students, and their eyes, helping them with their self portraits for 2 weeks now. yikes... So I figured I would make you all feel my pain.
Now sit in your seat and DRAW WHAT YOU SEE, DANGIT!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Paul turns 25
All jokes aside, the kids really liked Paul and he had a lot of fun teaching them (they loved his personal logo-it uses negative space-which I just taught those sucka's, so they thought they were pretty cool), it was a good day. He also realized why I get so tired after teaching them (tons of repetition and a million questions, plus the discipline involved) and when we got home, he said he was so exhausted from the day...so we took a nap :)
I made some miniature cakes the we snacked on, we went to Rita's Italian Ice for our free ice (spring equinox= free Rita's!) and watched 2 good movies. Paul also fit in some Wii Guitar Hero- a gift from his family- before the night was over.
Here are a couple pics from the night:
These were cherry cake filled with cherry preserves and milk chocolate cream cheese frosting.
Monday, March 16, 2009
A Whole Lot
The star of the show: Shotzye (in her 'bed' - a free box from costco- beats the $ 25 I wanted to get her- she loves the cardboard)
Shotzye was a crowd favorite when we had the Haggerty's over. In fact, while we were out, we asked Tessa if she wanted anything, and she simply replied, "Yeah, Shotzye"
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Spring Forward!!
Wedding beads.
Monday, March 2, 2009
It's a Bake Off!
In other news, there was a HUGE snow storm here...so school was cancelled today (Monday), there is a 2 hour delay on Tuesday and Wednesday the kids are off, so we have an in service day...I LOVE THIS WEEK!
I piped the logos in dark chocolate.
There they are, aren't they cute!?
Red velvet balls.
But my pop's sure are :D
Ok, now for the cookies.
Here is the dough at first...kinda grainy.
Lets see what it looks like when it gets WHIPPED! for 5 minutes.
Look how much dough!! geesh. This recipe makes a million cookies.
A million.
A hilarious text message situation.
A random person texted Paul...and he decided to mess with them.
My cute hat and ring. I wore this too the tattoo place when Paul got his tat done on Saturday. People liked.